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Category: Uncategorized

Report from Guanajuato: What’s in a name?

I returned here for the express purpose of transferring the funds from the sale of my Guanajuato house last year from my Mexican bank account to my Canadian one. I had tried various ways of doing it remotely, but nothing would do but showing up in person.  Of course, while…


Return to Guanajuato…again…(and again?)

Well, here I am again in Guanajuato, and after insisting to anyone who would listen that this was probably my last trip here, I am feeling very happy to be back in this familiar and welcoming city—and all bets are off! The timing coincides with the publication of the 13th…


Ready to order

An update to last week’s post. The Stuff of a Life is now available on both and Local friends–instead of ordering online, plan to come to the launch, September 15, 7-9 pm, at The Loft on the third floor of the Algoma Conservatory of Music. It will be…


The Alcott Table

It was an intriguing fact about him, this young man who seemed interested in me. His middle name was Alcott. He was a direct descendent of Louisa May Alcott on his mother’s side. I was, indeed, impressed, having been raised on Little Women.  Later, it turned out, the connection was less direct.…


The blog is back…with a 500-word special

My blog is back up–thanks to the help of my great-nephew-in-law. I guess that’s what he is. His name is Phillip and I’m very grateful for his patience and expertise! I had intended to blog regularly during my month in Guanajuato, where I spent all of October dealing with the…