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Never-ending story—and a party

I left you all with the impression that the banking story was over. I actually thought it was. When a trial transfer of a relatively small amount made its way seamlessly to my bank account in Canada, I shared a sigh of relief with all of you. Too soon, perhaps.

I initiated a second, much larger transfer (this is money from the sale of a house, so it’s a fair chunk of cash) on Friday, a week and a half ago. It was Friday afternoon, and the beginning of a long weekend here in Mexico, so when it didn’t show up in Canada by the middle of last week, I tried not to be too concerned. But it hasn’t shown up yet.

I have just returned from the bank here. They checked to see that everything is in order on their end, and it seems to be. Certainly the money is no longer in my account here.

“Then where is it?” I ask.


I don’t blame them for not knowing. It’s all virtual anyway, isn’t it? I gesture to the heavens and they nod.

They tell me if it hasn’t arrived  by the end of the day Wednesday, I can begin a process on Thursday to reverse the transfer-but that would take 20+ days and involve a lot of paperwork. When people here say a lot of paperwork, it’s hard to imagine how much that will be. Could be. Might be. Hopefully won’t be. I really can’t spend another 20 days here.

I try not to dwell on this, but how I wish Jack were here. Of course, then we’d still have the house…

Now, to take my mind off banking…on to the party. Most of you know that Jack and I were “adopted” by a wonderful Mexican family 20+ years ago. Then, they had young children. Now, their children are grown with children of their own, and yesterday I spent the day at the home of their younger daughter Monica—the one who has been so helpful with the bank—at a party to announce their choice of god-parents for their 9-month-old baby. The choice: Monica’s sister Cris and her husband Marco. Here’s a taste of the event.

Sisters Cris and Monica washing vegetables in Monica’s kitchen.
Abuela (Grandma) Eloisa with Gerardito, the man of the hour!
Gerardito with his Abuela Canadiense.
Anna Victoria–not quite ready to join the party!
A quiet Grandma-Granddaughter moment with Marifer.
Antonio manages the meat–as usual!
Aunt Cris, Uncle Marco, Do you want to be my godparents?

The answer, of course, was YES!

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  1. jlynncampbell jlynncampbell

    Hello Paula…I believe those many years in Mexico have given much in friendships and memories. My wish is that it will continue forward… My second wish/hope is that the funds will find the way into your Canadian account. Best regards.

  2. Fingers crossed the $ soon arrives.
    Meanwhile you are rich with Mexican family. ❤️

    • paula paula

      You are so right. Lucky to have them!

  3. Lee Gould Lee Gould

    So lovely – the images, the event – and so worrisome this bank business. Continue to wish you luck…sending whatever good vibrations I can muster….

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