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Category: Uncategorized

You have mail!

[Apologies to some of you who are getting this twice. I’m having trouble with the interface with facebook…] Home is where the heart is. That’s what it used to say on a neighbour’s mailbox, ornate blue letters surrounded by a pink heart, stencilled on the flap that opens and closes…

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You have mail!

[Apologies to some of you who are getting this twice. I’m having trouble with the interface with facebook…] Home is where the heart is. That’s what it used to say on a neighbour’s mailbox, ornate blue letters surrounded by a pink heart, stencilled on the flap that opens and closes…


Emerging from Limbo

I am standing on the edge of the Echo River, watching it flow upstream, seemingly determined to find its way back to its beginnings, to retrace its steps and revisit where it’s been. The locals here say—with understandable pride—that this is one of only two rivers in the world to…


Too Many Houses

The time has come for the grand confession. I’ve been putting it off, embarrassed into silence. But the silence weighs on me as heavily as an untruth. And so here it is: I am the owner (okay, co-owner) of three homes. Yup. Three. Of course, there’s the  home I am…

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Here’s how downsizing is working for us. We now live in an 1800 square foot house, a storey-and-a-half with a big country kitchen, a spacious living room, a bedroom, a tiny downstairs study, and a narrow “front room”—a converted sunporch that has been put to various uses over the years—currently…

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I’m sitting at a table in front of my computer in someone else’s house in the little town of Thessalon, an hour and a half east of Sault Ste. Marie. It’s an unlikely place for a lively writing community, but it’s become home to a group that calls itself Stories…


From here to where?

I’ve been waking up in the same place for more than forty years, and what meets my eyes is home. Familiar fields with familiar names—the trefoil field, the far field, the barn field—farmed by someone else, now, but still mine and comfortingly familiar. A yard and garden that have evolved…