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Category: Uncategorized

In the Knickers of Time

My relationship with time is becoming increasingly weird. I don’t know how to measure its passage anymore. I have middle-aged children and young-adult grandchildren, but I’m pretty sure I just turned forty a few weeks ago and Y2K was yesterday. This morning Jack wandered out of the shower and mumbled…


Words from the Sixties (in a weird alphabet)

I’ve just spent a delightful couple of evenings with my dad, who’s been dead for the last 35 years. No, not a séance. A collection of letters he wrote over a three-year period in the 1960s. So for the second post in a row, I’m writing about Dad—in part because…


Parcel Post

I’ve had this photo in my memory for a long time, but I never had a copy of it. It still hangs in the Lemont, Pennsylvania post office. At a recent family gathering, we ended up chatting about my dad and his role in securing a new post office for…


Some Thoughts on Mortality and Magic

Water, water, see the water flow…Oh wizard of changes, teach me the lesson of flowing. The Water Song, Incredible String Band It’s a lesson I’m still struggling with, perhaps now more than ever. Although I have become an enthusiastic apologist for denial, reality leaps into my consciousness from time to…



Why is it that you’re most likely to mess up what you care about most? My blog post yesterday, celebrating the work my daughter does with youth theatre, suffered from last-minute tweaking and appeared with several paragraphs out of order. Fixed now.

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Seasonal Disorder

Sometime in September, something in the air turns to Fall. Not the temperature yet, and the leaves have only just begun to turn. Still, something has changed. The light, perhaps, or the sound of grasshoppers singing all day. Maybe it’s the heavy morning dew. I know crisper mornings are coming,…


Tea, Now and Then

Cuppa tea? When I first moved to Canada, I was surprised to be offered tea wherever I went. Tea, not coffee, was—and is—the sociable drink. Often, but not always, offered with something sweet. My dad sometimes drank tea, but as a child I associated it with illness. Weak, tepid tea…