I don’t remember the exact moment it dawned on me, but I do remember an awareness in middle childhood of the extraordinary improbability of being me. Who I was, where I was. In my only concrete memory, I am sitting on a friend’s front porch—I was probably about eleven—and asking…
6 CommentsCategory: Uncategorized
I ended up getting a bit carried away with my phone-camera on one of my favourite walks in Lake Superior Provincial Park yesterday. I especially love the way the river goes from rapids to raging falls to still pools. We walked as far as the top of the second falls…
4 CommentsIn the last months, I have found myself developing little rituals to fill the spaces that used to be filled by companionship. A brief good morning to the person who isn’t there on the other side of the bed. A first cup of coffee in the living room, as before,…
4 CommentsExactly 56 years ago, the world’s attention was on Selma, Alabama. The issue was voter registration. Sadly, here we are again. But this is a retrospective post, so I’ll leave comments on the current state of affairs in the US for those who are living them. In 1965, both Jack…
1 CommentIn what seems a lifetime ago, I served nearly two decades as a trustee on the tiny board of education serving the rural area east of Sault Ste. Marie. At some point midway through that time, the board received a proposal – or maybe it was a provincial directive –…
2 CommentsAlmost four years ago, I wrote that I did not want this blog to become a “cancer blog”, and it didn’t. I also don’t want it to become a “grief blog”, and it won’t. But today marks exactly three months since Jack died, and I feel compelled to recognize that.…
3 CommentsA note from a frustrated author. No matter how hard I try or how many hours–yes, hours–I spend trying to incorporate text and photos in a more imaginative way, I fail. What looks perfect in draft form morphs into chaos when posted. Is it possible that I will have to…
8 CommentsA month or so ago I wrote a poem. Poetry is not my forte, and I won’t embarrass myself by sharing it. But the gist of it was that, even as I tried to prepare myself for what I knew was coming by imagining Jack gone, I knew that when…
7 CommentsI’ve never been good at carefully following world events that don’t feel are either close to me or earth-shattering. I read the headlines and have a sense of where the action is, but I skim over the details. Of course, I’m often wrong about the global impact what’s happening in,…
1 CommentWhat makes life worth living? For me, that question was the most important take-away from Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal—a must-read for anyone who is aging or has aging parents. And it’s a question that is increasingly on my mind. According to Gawande, it’s also a question that every physicians should ask…
4 CommentsRacism is on everyone’s mind right now, mine included. I have lived all my life in a racial monoculture. Except for the childhood experience in the story below, my personal contact with Black people has been casual and minimal. So, while I’d like to say I’m free of racism and…
3 CommentsI’m watching the world I know teeter on the edge of disaster. Since there’s nothing I can do but watch and worry, I’m turning my attention to the things I can control. Like the furniture in our little cabin on the lake. When we bought this place 26 years ago,…
6 CommentsI haven’t been blogging much lately—not for a lack of things to think about. More likely because of a surfeit. Every time I imagine sitting down to write, I am overwhelmed by the things that gnaw at me—the pandemic, Jack’s cancer (he’s doing well), the unravelling of the country I…
2 CommentsI’ve had a little note beside my computer for several days now: blog post. But there are only two things on my mind, really. The corona virus, of course, and its possible personal and broader social consequences—about which I have nothing to say that isn’t on everybody’s mind anyway. And Jack’s…
3 CommentsWe’ve been home from Mexico for a week now, self-isolated as per government orders and waiting for news about when Jack can get back into the medical system. He’s been in touch with his oncologist, who has ordered scans to be scheduled as soon as possible after our isolation ends—in…
3 CommentsBeginning with jack’s collapse and seizure a mere week ago, followed by the discovery that his cancer has metastasized to the brain, and the almost simultaneous decision by the Canadian government to call all citizens back to the country in the face of the rapidly developing corona virus pandemic, it’s…
7 CommentsThis is going to be a brief, information-sharing post for folks I have not been able to contact personally. I haven’t been blogging much lately, but we’ve been having a fine winter here in Guanajuato. Although we are always aware that Jack is dealing with cancer, he has been very…
13 CommentsI thought maybe I’d write about having the flu in Mexico, because I do. But it’s much like the flu anywhere else, and what with the DEADLY coronavirus grabbing all the headlines, I don’t expect anyone would pay much attention. I am in no danger of dying. Indeed, I am…
1 CommentDid you try to email a response to my last blog post—as per my instructions? I’m not ignoring you. It still doesn’t work. This may not be fixable, since the message is actually sent by wordpress, not by me. So–if you want to respond, you have to do so in…
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