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Category: Uncategorized

Interlude in a troubling time

I am traipsing down the steps from my little apartment in Guanajuato, avoiding the crumbling concrete edges the way a school-girl avoids stepping on the cracks, not because any harm would come but just because they invite attention. I cross a busy intersection, nodding good morning to passersby, and head…

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Three strikes…

Many of you know that I’m settling into Guanajuato—where Jack and I spent many winters—for an extended stay. I hope I’ll have some experiences and thoughts to share while I’m here, but this post was mostly written before I left home a couple of weeks ago. After a nearly snowless…


Adjusting to a new (and not lovely) look

I can’t believe it’s been nearly three months since I posted here. Back at the end of January, I was bemoaning the lack of a real winter. Winter never really did arrive with its usual bluster, and we’re experiencing an early spring with daffodils already in bloom. And I’m trying…



It seems I have been caught out by the grammar police. “Wherefore” does not mean “where”. Does everyone else know this? It means why. And so the title of my just-published blog post is nonsensical. But so, it seems to me, is “Romeo, Romeo, WHY art thou Romeo?”


A Reckoning

A few days ago long-time friends Dennis and Katie spent a day and a half with me at the lake on their way home to B.C. They’re the kind of friends you can not see for a decade, and when you finally get together, it’s as though you’ve never been…