Last week someone said to me, in that casual way we all make small talk about the weather, “Well, do you think spring is finally here?”
I couldn’t help responding. “Actually, it’s a good two weeks early.” Then I wondered if I was exaggerating. So this morning, I decided to put my comment to the test.
There’s never a year when I don’t take photos of the hill in its various guises. I rarely go there anymore, but it has been the backdrop to my life for half a century, reflecting the changing seasons throughout the year and the changing light and shadows throughout the day. I try to capture it, but it usually eludes me. The stark whites of winter, the changing colours of fall, the palate of greens in mid-summer. But I am especially keen to capture the mystical, misty green that lasts only a heart-beat as the poplars announce that the “Greening of the Hill” is beginning.
So, while not examples of photographic excellence, the following shots from the past five years show spring on the hill, all but one on dates within a few days of today. Years are never identical of course, nor is the perspective. But I think they confirm my reaction. We are, indeed, about two weeks ahead of usual.

May 11, 2020. This was the year I took a picture of the hill every day and posted it on FB. I intended to share the gradual greening but began way too early and probably bored people to death by the time the first leaves appeared!. Here, exactly 4 years ago tomorrow, there’s still barely a hint of green

This is the photo that’s the farthest from today’s date–May 17, 2021. It’s clear that the greening is well under way, still mostly along the bottom where it’s mostly poplars. And those trees close to the garden shed are green as well.

May 12, 2022. This is pretty close to the magical moment–that hazy green along the bottom. Either I’d already mowed the lawn (unlikely) or the dandelions are not yet in bloom.

May 8, 2023. A year ago this past Wednesday. A different perspective, but obviously it’s just beginning.

And today. The entire hill is leafing out, though the trees at the bottom are obviously farther ahead. Given the variations in light, it may be that this is fairly similar to the May 17 photo from 2021, which is still a week away.
And finally, here’s a shot from May 21, 2020. That would be a week and a half from now. The lighting is different, but to me it looks less far along than today.

Conclusion: Yup. It’s an early spring. After an almost non-existent winter. Some people at this latitude applaud the warming world, and I get that. But I’m not one of them.
What a lovely vantage point you have there, Paula. Thanks for sharing it! I enjoy your descriptions of the seasons, as well.
Perhaps you dislike the early spring not necessarily because of environmental change but because you miss visiting us in Guanajuato …though before you buy your plane ticket you should know we are having probably the hottest spring we have perhaps ever had…..